Názor k článku Hyperaktivní děti mívají hyperaktivní rodiče aneb ADHD v dospělosti od skeptik - Je to potřeba číst celé: Subjects with newly diagnosed...

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  • 20. 3. 2017 10:01

    skeptik (neregistrovaný)

    Je to potřeba číst celé:

    Subjects with newly diagnosed AN were more likely than controls to have had any vaccination in the previous 3 months [hazard ratio (HR) 1.80, 95% confidence interval 1.21–2.68]. Influenza vaccinations during the prior 3, 6, and 12 months were also associated with incident diagnoses of AN, OCD, and an anxiety disorder. Several other associations were also significant with HRs greater than 1.40 (hepatitis A with OCD and AN; hepatitis B with AN; and meningitis with AN and chronic tic disorder).

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