Názor k článku MMR vakcíny: Nová petice za dobrovolnost očkování je spíše opatrná od tsd - Protože, až tady budeme díky i panu JV...

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  • 4. 4. 2017 11:17

    tsd (neregistrovaný)

    Protože, až tady budeme díky i panu JV mít dostatek neočkovaných a o eliminaci si budeme moci nechat jenom zdát, nastane přesně ta popisovaná situace.
    Druhou část vašeho příspěvku nemá cenu komentovat.
    Je to jen hysterické antivax papouškování nesmyslů.

    P.S. jaká je například situace v Německu ohledně dobrovolnosti očkování proti spalničkám přinesla zpráva WHO již před lety. Bohužel od té doby se nic k lepšímu nezměnilo.


    Measles has been a notifiable disease in Germany since 2001. Free-of-charge measles vaccination was introduced into the routine childhood vaccination schedule in 1970 in the German Democratic Republic and in 1974 in the Federal Republic of Germany. In 2010, such vaccination was also made available to incompletely vaccinated adults living in Germany. Despite the access to measles vaccine, measles outbreaks still occur frequently in Germany. In 2006, for example, more than 1500 cases were recorded in an outbreak in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia.5,6,7 Historically, health-related issues in Germany – including the implementation of vaccination recommendations and measures for disease control – have been the responsibility of the country’s 16 federal states.8 This is one of the reasons why vaccination coverage in Germany often differs between federal states. Most importantly, measles vaccination was mandatory in the German Democratic Republic,9 and – despite abolishment of all mandatory vaccinations after reunification in 1990 – coverage remained higher in eastern Germany than elsewhere in the country.10 In comparison, federal states in southern Germany have had particularly low levels of measles vaccination coverage at school entry and showed a delayed increase in two-dose vaccination coverage after the two-dose recommendation was endorsed in 1991. For example, in 2005 and 2011, coverages for the second dose at school entry were 87.1% and 96.1%, respectively, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, eastern Germany, but only 67.9% and 89.8%, respectively, in Bavaria, southern Germany

    Jak rádi by se Němci vrátili k "diktatuře". Myslím, že jim nic jiného nezbude.

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