Názor k článku New Age – hnutí za zenitem? od Hari's son - Teosofie uvedla na Zapad vychodni monismus a tak...

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  • 21. 3. 2010 10:18

    Hari's son (neregistrovaný)

    Teosofie uvedla na Zapad vychodni monismus a tak predznamenala nastup New Age, jehoz spolecnym jmenovatelem a filozofickym zakladem tento monismus je.

    Ovsem jsou i vyjimky:

    „We must not confuse the state in which the personality becomes one with the all-embracing spirit of life, with an absorption into the universal spirit which annihilates the personality. Such a disappearance does not take place in a true development of the personality. Personality continues to be preserved as such in the relationship into which it enters with the spirit world. It is not the subjection of the personality, but its highest development that occurs. If we wish to have a simile for this coincidence or union of the individual spirit with the all-encompassing spirit, we cannot choose that of many different coinciding circles that are lost in one circle, but we must choose the picture of many circles, each of which has a quite distinct shade of color. These variously colored circles coincide, but each separate shade preserves its color existence within the whole. Not one loses the fullness of its individual power. The further description of the path will not be given here. It is given as far as possible in my Occult Science, an Outline, which forms a continuation of this book.“ (Rudolf Steiner: Theosophy, Chapter IV – The Path of Knowledge, konec kapitoly)

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