Studie se u vakcín běžně dělají s "placebem" ve formě adjuvantů z jednoho prostého důvodu, aby se nežádoucí účinky adjuvantů schovaly pod placebo efekt. Je to starý trik vakcinačního průmyslu. V té stížnosti je ostatně napsáno, jak to bežně chodí:
Initially, the vaccine was compared with a placebo group being vaccinated with physiological serum, whereby the number of adverse reactions was much higher and much more serious than in the control group. After comparing 320 patients in the saline placebo group a quick move was made to an aluminium-containing placebo, in order to be able to only evaluate the effects of the active substance. However, this distorted the comparison, because no one voluntarily wants to be vaccinated with toxic aluminium, as this is not really necessary, when inoculation with a harmless saline solution can be done. The differences between Gardasil and the saline placebo group were, however, already noticeable.