Názor k článku Ozonová vrstva slábne a rakovina kůže sílí od Mary - Paní Kateřino, dostala jsem dnes internetové noviny s...

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  • 23. 8. 2012 14:00

    Mary (neregistrovaný)

    Paní Kateřino, dostala jsem dnes internetové noviny s tímto článkem.
    Smažené červené maso- významná příčina rakoviny prostaty

    Eating red meat, and especially when it’s been cooked at very high temperatures in a pan, is a major cause of prostate cancer. Men who regularly eat the meat increase their risk of developing the disease by 40 per cent.

    Red meat has been a suspected cause of prostate cancer for some time, but the link becomes clearer if it’s been cooked at high temperatures. The process appears to create powerful carcinogens in the meat, say researchers from the University of Southern California.

    In a study of around 2,000 men, more than 1,000 of them had advanced prostate cancer, and those who had more than two servings a week of red meat cooked at high temperature were 40 per cent more likely to have the disease. Those who ate the meat more than once a week faced a 30 per cent higher risk.

    The type of meat also played a part. Hamburgers were more likely to cause cancer than steak, for example, while chicken and other poultry seemed to have almost no effect at all if it was cooked in the oven. However, it had almost the same risk when it was cooked on top of the oven.

    (Source: Carcinogenesis, e-published ahead of print).

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