Clovek zastitujici iniciativu delajici reklamu vyrobcum prumyslove zpracovanych potravin pise, ze vrcholovi sportovci se neobejdou bez techto prumyslovych potravin.
Moralni dno.
Vrcholovi sportovci nejenom ze muzou jist zdrave. Oni v tvrde konkurenci hledajici kazdou miniaturni soutezni vyhodu dnes uz pomali musi.
Chriss Froome trikrat vyhral Tour de France (2013, 2015, 2016). Co rika o strave? "I think hard about the quality of the food I'm eating – organic fruit, vegetables and meat wherever possible. It's a common misconception that because we're training five or six hours a day that we can eat what we want and burn it off. It really is a case of watching every little thing you put in your mouth and how it's going to benefit you. Your body really does respond to tweaks then."
Skoda, ze mu neradi Havlicek, mohl by se ladovat pizzou a cukrem do aleluja a omlouvat si to pseudonutnosti.